I found out yesterday that my son has Autism. I have known this for over a year, but its the first time there was a real diagnosis to go along with my gut feel.
So many emotions to feel over it. A week ago I realized that my son was little Rain Man. He seems to be competent in some things, and then you realize he is in his own little repetitive world, and everything he sees is part of that context. You have to know his world to understand his communications. Most people cant and get frustrated with him. I know, I do sometimes, and I know him better than anyone.
Right now I am trying to inundate myself with readings and materials on Autism so that I can understand it, and help my son better.
Maybe this is meant for me to do something different with my life.
I am reading Unraveling the Mystery of Autism and Pervasive Development Disorder by Karyn Seroussi. I hope that it will give me some hope for my son as he grows.
He is a beautiful 4 year old. Big and sturdy, and he loves Thomas the Tank Engine and Bob the Builder. He loves Finding Nemo, the first movie I took him to see (and probably the last for a while)...
Well, I'll add more when I have more to say.
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